Principles of Electronic materials and devices ( Fourth Edition)

Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices is one of the few books in the market that has a broad coverage of electronic materials that today's scientists and engineers need

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Malvino Electronic Principles

Malvino's Electronic Principles offers students a definitive overview of electronic circuits and devices. Expert knowledge of electronic devices is presented in a stimulating, clearly written, conversational style.

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Electronic devices and circuit theory

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.

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How Electronic Things Work... And What to do When They Don't


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전기전자 기초 = Basic Electrical and Electronic

『전기전자 기초』는 전기 및 전자 공학의 전체적 개념을 일깨우는 책이다. 공학을 전공하는 학생들에게 필요한 기초 이론과 다양한 형태의 연습 문제를 함께 제시한다.

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Electronic Assembly Fabrication

The book Electronic Assembly Fabrication will prove invaluable to nonspecialists and managers as well as engineers and technicians working in the development, marketing, or manufacture of electronic products, and anyone else who wants to get familiar with and profit from one of the major growth areas in the field of electronics.

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Electronic Principles (sixth edition)

The book gives to the students a definitive overview of the electronic circuits and devices. Skilled knowledge of electronic devices is presented in a stimulating, Clearly written, conversational style. Practical circuit examples and troubleshooting exercises are discovered all through the book.

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Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements (third editon)

The book is presented as a textbook for undergraduate students of electrical, electronics and instrumentation disciplines. It presents a comprehensive treatment of the operation, performance, applications and limitations of both digital and analog instruments, normally encountered in an electronics laboratory.

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Mechatronics Electronic Control System In Mechanical and Electrical Engineering

This book presents a clear and comprehensive introduction to the area. Practical and applied, it helps you to acquire the mix of skills you will need to comprehend and design mechatronic systems. It also goes much deeper, explaining the very philosophy of mechatronics, and, in so doing, provides you with a frame of understanding to develop a truly interdisciplinary and integrated approach to engineering.

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Sensor technology handbook

Without sensors most electronic applications would not exist―they perform a vital function, namely providing an interface to the real world. The importance of sensors, however, contrasts with the limited information available on them

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